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Mediterranean Diet

Likely you’ve heard a lot of talk in the press about this new, but very old, diet: the Mediterranean Diet. This diet is being used to help manage or correct numerous health issues, weight loss being one of the many.

And really, when you get down to it, by correcting a weight issue other health problems simply go away for some people.

Mediterranean Diet

This is a diet that is based on good science and healthy eating. It is from the natural diet of people who live in countries along the Mediterranean Sea. The Mediterranean Diet is full of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, chicken and fish. It allows for moderate alcohol use, such as a glass of wine with dinner and a shot of liquor on a night out dancing.

This particular diet is more about a lifestyle when it comes to eating and there is little concern for calorie counting or carefully guarding the weight of a meal. Picture yourself at a table for two enjoying a glass of red wine on a sandy beach of the Mediterranean while enjoying a light meal full of nutritious goodness and the waves of the sea crash on shoreline. That is a diet!

Foods You Can Eat

The foods you can eat are plentiful and rich in nutrients. The key here is to enjoy the flavors and textures of fresh food like salads made with olive oil, lemon juice and chopped fresh vegetables. There are many things you can do with beans and legumes like falafel, sauces and soups.

Finding delicious and fun recipes are easy when you discover dishes made in Israel, Lebanon and Greece then expand out from there. Once eating these types of foods, it’ll change what you expect to get out of a tasty meal.

Healthy Foods to Eat

Foods for Special Occasions

Eat in Moderation

Beverages to Drink

Foods to Avoid

How to Change Your Diet to the Mediterranean Diet

Eating healthy does take more time than opening a box and putting a tray into the microwave, so expect an adjustment period. But as a rule of thumb, if you have the healthy foods in the house instead of the unhealthy foods then you’re more likely to eat healthy. It is an adjustment in lifestyle to eat healthy, so ease into it. With this particular diet you’ll be eating a lot more fiber with all those fresh vegetables, fruits and beans.

Your body will need to adjust to the switch from overly processed foods. But don’t let the gassiness and occasional belly cramps scare you away from this diet. Know that it is your body shoveling out all that junk that has built up in your intestines and it is moving it out. After a couple of weeks, the annoying symptoms of the change-over will start to disappear.

Shopping for Healthy Foods

Do a little homework and pick out recipes you’d like to make before you go to the store. Make a list of all the ingredients you’re going to need. Then go to the grocery store that has a large selection of fresh fruits and vegetables. Don’t forget the seasonings!

Avoid any isle in the grocery store that is loaded with boxed and canned foods. The longer you’re on the Mediterranean Diet the less time you will spend in the freezer isles and the boxed food isles. You’ll discover your new favorite isles are full of dried beans, fresh vegetables, fresh and frozen fruits, multiple varieties of olive oil, whole grain breads and a variety of fresh chicken or fresh-frozen fish.

Long Term Results

The Mediterranean Diet is a life changer and that is why it is in the press so often. This is an eating lifestyle that can help you reduce inflammation in the body, reduce your body’s weight without a lot of effort or expense, help with healing from heart disease, normalize cholesterol levels, stabilize blood sugar and lower high blood pressure. You will feel better, healthier, have more energy and be in a happier and better mood. Ask your healthcare practitioner if this diet might be right for you.